
Rights & Responsibilities

Patient Rights

  • Patients and family rights include respecting values and beliefs, any special preferences, cultural needs, and responding to requests for spiritual needs.
  • Patient and family rights include respect for personal dignity and privacy during examination, procedures and treatment.
  • Patient and family rights include protection from neglect or abuse.
  • Patient and family rights include treating patient information as confidential.
  • Patient and family rights include the refusal of treatment.
  • Patient and family rights include a right to seek an additional opinion regarding clinical care.
  • Patient and family rights include informed consent before the transfusion of blood and blood components, anesthesia, surgery, initiation of any research protocol and any other invasive/high-risk procedures/treatment.
  • Patient and family rights include a right to complain and information on how to voice a complaint.
  • Patient and family rights include information on the expected cost of the treatment.
  • Patient and family rights include access to their clinical records.
  • Patient and family rights include information on the name of the treating doctor, care plan, progress and information on their health care needs.
  • Patient rights include determining what information regarding their care would be provided to self and family.

Patient Responsibilities

  • Respect and dignify all hospital staff members and other patients.
  • Provide accurate information about their health, including past illnesses, Hospitalization,
    Allergies & Use of Medication.
  • Read all the medical forms being signed by them and seek clarity in case of any doubt.
  • Follow the treatment plan recommended by their health care provider.
  • Patient is responsible for his / her actions and the outcomes, in case of refusal for treatment, which shall be signed off by the patient / attendant / guardian.
  • Patient is responsible for fulfilling all financial obligations of the treatment cycle, as soon as possible.
  • The hospital is not responsible for patient’s personal belongings and valuables, they should be handed over to the attendant / guardian of the patient with documentation of the process.
  • Follow all displayed rules of the hospital.