


Clinical Specialties, Trusted Care

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Anesthesiology 1 (1)
The Department of Anesthesia at the Medeor Hospital, Delhi has a team of dedicated, highly experienced
Cardiac Sciences 1
The Department of Cardiology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi provides comprehensive cardiac care,
Clinical Pathology 1
The Department of Clinical Pathology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi has a state-of-the-art space to provide ..
Dental, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 1
The Department of Dental, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, offers expert care and
Dermatology & Cosmetology 1
The Department of Dermatology & Cosmetology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, is designed to provide..
Dietetics & Clinical Nutrition 1
The Department of Dietetics & Clinical Nutrition at Medeor Hospital, Delhi has a team of Clinical Nutrition
Emergency Medicine 1
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Medeor Hospital, Delhi specializes in managing all type of
The Department of ENT at Medeor Hospital, Delhi provides its patients with the finest technology,
Gastroenteroogy 1
The Department of Gastroenterology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi deals with a wide spectrum of gastrointestinal
General Surgery 1
The Department of General Surgery at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, has a dedicated team of consultants that
Internal Medicine 1
The Department of General Surgery at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, provides consolidated care to both In
Medical Oncology Cover Image
The Department of Medical Oncology at Medeor Hospital offers a comprehensive care in diagnosing
Nephrology 1
The Department of Nephrology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, provides comprehensive care to the patients
Neurology 1
The Department of Neurology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, deals with managing and treating disorders
Neurosurgery 1
The Department of Neurosurgery at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, offers early diagnosis and treatment of
Obstetrics & Gynecology 1
The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, provides a full range of
Ophthalmology 1
The Department of Ophthalmology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, deals with the anatomy, structure,
Orthopedics 1
The Department of Orthopedics at the Medeor Hospital, Delhi provides the highest quality and most
Pediatrics & Neonatology 1
The Department of Pediatrics & Neonatology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, comprises of a highly
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation 1
The Department of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, aims at delivering highly
Plastic Surgery 1
The Department of Plastic Surgery at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, comprises of a team of highly qualified
Psychiatry Cover Image
The Department of Psychiatry at Medeor Hospital supports the mental well-being of both adult and
Pulmonology & Respiratory Medicine 1
The Department of Pulmonology & Respiratory Medicine at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, is well known for its
Radiology 1
The Department of Radiology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi offers a broad range of radiological services
Surgical Oncology Cover Image
The Department of Surgical Oncology at Medeor Hospital has a dedicated team of highly skilled surgeons
Urology 1
The Department of Urology at Medeor Hospital, Delhi, delivers specialized urological care with a full