Dr. Shailender Kumar Jain brings his renowned skills to Medeor Hospital, Delhi. He did his MBBS from Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior and from the same college he went on to pursue his MS in General Surgery. He has performed thousands of successful surgeries of which some were extremely complicated.
Dr. Shailender Kumar Jain is highly skilled in the field of Advance Laparoscopic Surgery - Gallbladder, Appendix, Anorectal Surgery - Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, Fistula in Ano and Perianal Abscess, Laser Fistula Treatment, Lap Hernia, Breast Surgery and More than 20,000 Laparoscopic Surgeries done.
Dr. Shailender Kumar Jain brings his renowned skills to Medeor Hospital, Delhi. He did his MBBS from Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior and from the same college he went on to pursue his MS in General Surgery. He has performed thousands of successful surgeries of which some were extremely complicated.
Dr. Shailender Kumar Jain is highly skilled in the field of Advance Laparoscopic Surgery - Gallbladder, Appendix, Anorectal Surgery - Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, Fistula in Ano and Perianal Abscess, Laser Fistula Treatment, Lap Hernia, Breast Surgery and More than 20,000 Laparoscopic Surgeries done.
- Advance Laparoscopic Surgery - Gallbladder, Appendix
- Anorectal Surgery – Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, Fistula in Ano and Perianal Abscess
- Laser Fistula Treatment
- Lap Hernia
- Breast Surgery